Pediatric Oral Surgery in Greenville, SC

Ashby Park Pediatric Dentistry is proud to offer comprehensive pediatric oral surgery services at our Greenville office in partnership with Coastal Family Oral Surgery & Sedation. When your family is in need of a greater level of care, our team works directly with their experts and your family to determine the right solution for your family’s oral health needs. If your child is in need of oral surgery or you’re a healthcare provider or other community resource looking to refer a patient, contact the CFOSS team today!

The logo for Coastal Family Oral Surgery & Sedation

Our Pediatric Oral Surgery Services in Greenville, SC


Tongue and lip ties can cause your child to experience issues with sleeping, latching during breast or bottle feeding, speech, and other difficulties. A frenectomy is a quick, minor surgical procedure that can alleviate those complications and improve your child’s quality of life. Our expert team offers frenectomy procedures to address and correct these issues in a safe, effective, and comfortable manner.

Lip and tongue ties are caused when the frenum, a small fold of tissue, restricts the movement of the tongue or the lips, leading to difficulties with speech, feeding, or oral hygiene. During a frenectomy, the doctor will carefully release this tissue in order to free the movement of the tongue or the upper lip. With advances in dental technology, we utilize precise techniques that ensure the procedure is as efficient and comfortable as possible.

Frenectomies can have many benefits for young patients, including improved breastfeeding and bottle feeding, better clarity of speech, increased comfort in daily activities, and better oral hygiene.

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common and standard procedure for teenage patients. Some common reasons for recommending removal of the wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, can include pain, impaction (getting stuck) behind gum or bone in the mouth, infection, sideways presentation in the mouth, teeth coming in at an angle and possibly harming the healthy adjoining teeth, as well as restoring the symmetry needed for chewing. Wisdom teeth are also often removed as a preventive measure to avoid potential issues at a later stage in life, as it may be more difficult to undergo wisdom tooth extraction surgery due to the hardening of the bones in your mouth as you age.

Exposure and Bonding for Impacted Teeth

The expose and bond procedure is needed when a tooth is trapped behind another tooth or needs assistance to “erupt” (come fully into the mouth) in a functional position. During this procedure, your surgeon will remove gum or bone as necessary to “expose” the impacted tooth and allow it a chance to drop into the mouth without further issue. A chain or bracket may also be placed on the tooth once it is exposed in order to further assist in the correct development and guidance of the tooth into an aesthetic and correct position.

Oral Biopsies

Our oral surgeons may recommend performing a biopsy if your primary dentist observes an area of concern. These procedures are very standard and normally can be performed under nitrous oxide (laughing gas) alone. We work with a local pathology lab to obtain quick results that our board certified oral surgeons will review with you upon return.

Make a Referral or Schedule an Appointment for Pediatric Oral Surgery

If you’re a health care provider or other community resource looking to make a referral for pediatric oral surgery in Greenville, SC, you can contact the CFOSS team directly by calling their office or submitting a referral online. If you’re a parent or guardian looking to schedule an appointment for your child, you can call the CFOSS team or schedule an appointment online.

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